Inspected By Experience Chile
Approved By Experience Chile


The Galpon Aire Puro is a converted 1920’s barn. It has been done in a careful and intelligent way by the American owner Vicki Johnson to offer 8 spacious private rooms and private bathrooms. If you wish to meet other travellers and enjoy a relaxed, home-like atmosphere, then this is a great place in which to do that.

The building also includes its own boutique-style shop and cafeteria.

However, the property is laid out on three levels and therefore if you have issues with climbing stairs then this would not be a good choice.

The property is based upon the “bed and breakfast” concept found in the UK and USA.


The owner of Galpon Aire Puro, American Vicky Johnson, who settled in Puerto Varas over thirty years ago, invested love, vision and money into what was a 1920’2 Puerto Varas barn and converted it into a high-level, 8 room, boutique-style, spacious house that accommodates guests on their travels.

The style of the interior of the building is that of a lodge with natural wood everywhere. Guests staying here can enjoy privacy when they sleep, but also join other guests in the common living room and even use the communal kitchen to prepare meals.

Unlike a traditional hotel, the Galpon Aire Puro is a bed and breakfast set up, but as mentioned, guests can use the kitchen to prepare their own, additional meals.

On the first floor there is a lovely-smelling “chocolate factory”, and emporium, and coffee shop all of which just adds to the cosy feeling of this place.

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