Inspected By Experience Chile


The Hotel Simple Patagonia is more or less what the name alludes. It is a “simple” hotel. Nothing flashy, nothing complicated.


The local family behind the Simple Patagonia had the idea to create a property reminiscent of the traditional Patagonian estancias, which are known to be spacious, open, yet comfortable.

From the outside the building looks like absolutely nothing. In fact, its hard to believe that there is anything inside, because the exterior is so plain. It is covered by wood panelling with small spaces in-between each panel. This is typical of Patagonia estancia construction as a way to break down the wind.

However, once through the front door the scenery opens up into a spacious lobby area, with dining room and lounge area, the end of which are high floor to ceiling windows that open up the stunning Patagonian landscape.

The construction is a mix of cement floors broken by natural wood, and white and wood-panelled walls that create a sense of cleanliness as well as cosiness.

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