If you have the time to fill or love penguins then thus is a great half-day adventure from Punta Arenas. It involves a lot of time on board a hard-shell covered zodiac that navigates the famous Magallanes Stretch to Santa Magdalena Island. This is currently the best way to get close to penguins in their natural habitat.

This is a half-day excursion to see the Magellan penguins on Santa Magdalena Island, which is in the middle of the Magellan Strait. Check-in is required in the centre of Punta Arenas at 06:30hrs. This excursion should be planned into the rest of your itinerary either as a morning activity with previous night in Punta Arenas before going on to Torres del Paine or Ushuaia, or after visiting Torres del Paine or Ushuaia.

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