Northern Chile, The Atacama Desert, San Pedro de Atacama
San Pedro de Atacama is, as the name would suggest, located the heart of the Atacama Desert. Most of the Atacama Desert is a rainless plateau covering the northern sector of Chile from Arica down to just below La Serena. In some areas no rainfall has ever been recorded, making it the driest desert on Earth, although rain does fall in San Pedro de Atacama when, in the summer months, the thermals above the Bolivian side of the Andes form large rain clouds that then drift down back into Chile and deposit heavy, but short, rain showers over the area, often accompanied by loud thunder and lighting. This phenomenon is called the Bolivian Winter, resulting in snow fall at higher elevations. The Atacama Desert covers around 180,000km 2 and is regarded as being in existence for over 15 million years.
Below, we will cover the history of the area followed by some suggestions and a link to our places of interest page for San Pedro de Atacama.
The Stars
The incredibly dry environment over large parts of the Atacama, together with the natural height of the Andes Mountains, and the fact that there are vast swathes of land not affected by man-made light pollution, provide an ideal setting for astronomical observatories to be located. The European Southern Observatory administers two radio telescopes in the area: La Silla Observatory and the Paranal Observatory where the Very Large Telescope (VLT) is located, and a radio astronomical observatory called ALMA is also now operational.
However, even to the naked eye, the Atacama night sky is one of the clearest in the World, offering a “wow” view of the Milky Way.
The Atacama Desert also contains many sought-after mineral deposits such as copper and, consequently, is a sought-after location for mining companies.
The Village
San Pedro village is a simple place with buildings constructed from adobe and other natural materials, but at night it comes alive as the many bohemian-style bars and innovative restaurants open. It attracts a mixture of the “hippy” crowd and back-packers, but these days older and more wealthy visitors are coming to get the “Atacama” experience. However, it is what surrounds San Pedro that makes it such an interesting destination. The village is merely a base from which to go and explore from.
Know the Altitudes
Be aware that San Pedro itself is at altitude and most of the excursions are at even higher altitudes. Therefore, if you suffer from any health issues related to high altitude you should not consider San Pedro de Atacama on your travel list.
Calama: 2,460m approx. (8,000ft)
San Pedro de Atacama: 2,438m approx. (8,000ft)
Optional Excursions Altitudes:
Geisers del Tatio: 4,321m approx. (12,000ft)
Centinelas de la Pakana: 4,500m approx. (12,000ft)
Laguna Verde: 5,900m approx. (18,000ft)
Lagunas Altiplánicas: 4,200m approx. (12,000ft)
Miskanti & Miñique: 4,500m approx. (12,000ft)
San Pedro de Atacama village is located close to the border with Bolivia and Argentina (where the three countries borders join) and is considered one of the key destinations in Chile, and the world, to visit. The village is 1,667km north of Santiago, 2,438m above sea level and 106km south-east from the mining city, and airport, of Calama. It is a tiny, dusty, oasis village with unpaved streets that serves as a base from where to explore the outstanding, natural, geographic beauty of the area.
Natural Geography
The geography in the area around San Pedro de Atacama is what makes this region so incredibly dramatic to view. The landscape is the aftermath of millions and millions of years of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, lava flows and flood-ravished plains all combining to create one of the most incredible places on Earth. The overall result is impossible to describe, but if you can imagine the mind-blowing spectacle of a massive desert plain dwarfed by conical, snow-covered volcanoes reaching heights of 5,916m in the Andean Cordillera; the beauty of the changing colours on the landscape from shades of orange to red to purple as the sun sets; the view of powerful heat vapour rising up from the vast white expanse of the Salar de Atacama salt plain (home to pink flamingos); the moon-surface-like landscape of the Valley of the Moon, and the vivid blue and green colours of the high-altitude lakes, the silence of which is only broken by the chirping of birds, then you may just begin to get a picture of what lies in wait here.
The entire area is also steeped in ancient, cultural history dating back thousands of years, with evidence suggesting that the first human arrival was as long ago as 11,000BC.
Cultural History San Pedro de Atacama
The village was named after its patron saint “San Pedro” (Saint Peter) and Atacama, which originates from the word “Accatcha” from the ancestral “Cunza” tongue and means “Head of the Country”. However, long before the village got this name it was merely an oasis from which early settlers could source drinking water and cultivate crops.
Due to the unique dryness of the air and lack of rainwater to help biodegrade alien materials, the environment is ideal for preserving relics from thousands of years ago, including human remains, which has led to San Pedro de Atacama becoming the archaeological capital of Chile. Here, well-preserved mummified bodies, textiles, bones, hunting tools and other items have been discovered in a good state, thus enabling a cultural history to be recorded to a degree of reasonable accuracy.
From the archaeological evidence discovered, it is believed that the first hunter-gatherer inhabitants were in the region as long ago as 11,000BC, living off natural vegetation found at oasis points and beside the then massive lake, which has since turned into the Salar de Atacama (Salt Lake). Even today, at oasis villages such as Toconao fruit trees and plants only grow due to the supply of natural spring water.
It has been calculated that around 5,000BC these early inhabitants, called Atacameño, started to domesticate some of the wild animals and used their fleeces for wool, hide for leather and excrement for fuel and fertiliser. It has been suggested that in the summer months the newly-created farmers would then migrate, with their animals, to the higher plains where there was fresh vegetation and allow the plants at the lower altitude, lake-side and oasis areas, to regenerate. As the settlers grew in numbers so, too, the settlements grew and crops such as beans, pumpkins, potatoes and maize were cultivated.
Between 3,000BC and 1,000BC it is believed that a prolonged drought resulted in the water level of the lower-level lakes to decrease significantly, forcing these early human settlers to seek water elsewhere, such as in the ravines and canyons where there was a natural supply of potable water as well as shelter. This, in turn, stimulated the birth of a controlled agricultural system and animal husbandry. One village, called Tulor, has shown evidence that its original inhabitants arrived here in the period around 750BC and that they produced ceramics, weaved, performed metallurgy, and introduced irrigation systems. Other historic settlements south from San Pedro de Atacama, between the Andes Mountains and the eastern side of the Salar de Atacama, such as Toconao, Sequitor, Peine and Sociare appear to have been settled between 100BC and 100AD.
However, the oasis at San Pedro de Atacama was the largest in the area and as more people settled here San Pedro village developed into the largest settlement of them all. Over the following two thousand years other cultures came and went, including the Incas, and then in 1540 the Spanish arrived.
Options on How to Enjoy San Pedro de Atacama
There are three options to consider if you come to San Pedro de Atacama.
All-Inclusive Option
Our suggestion is to book an all-inclusive hotel and excursion package. With these programs you will be picked up from Calama airport, be fed, have educated guides explaining about the sights and be transported to where you want to go, as well as relax back at a great hotel, usually with a pool.
Rent a Car
Although here at ExperienceChile.Org we, and will be pleased to arrange a car rental within the rest of your itinerary, we do not recommend it. The reason for this is because the distances to the places of interest are exceedingly long, and it is not that clear on how to get to them if you do not know the terrain. Should anything go wrong with your car you will have to wait a very long time for help to arrive. Worse, if you get stuck somewhere remote, which is easy to do, you could be “on your own” for a very long time.
If you rent a car and “do your own thing” beware, take extra water, warm clothes and check that the car does have a spare wheel, jack and that you know how to use it BEFORE setting off. People do break down, run out of water and get cold. We personally know of an Englishman who almost lost his life when he became stuck in a dried-out river and was marooned for over two full days.
You are in a desert a long way from help.
Just the Hotel
Another option is that we arrange the in and out transfers along with hotel accommodation and you then book your own tours when at San Pedro.
Places of Interest
There are numerous places of interest around San Pedro de Atacama. For information on these please see our Places of Interest page.
Accommodation Partners San Pedro de Atacama
In San Pedro de Atacama village, and on the “outskirts”, there are numerous accommodation options ranging from the more simple, rustic place through mid-level and up to premium, luxury level lodges. Please see out accommodation options on the San Pedro Accommodation page